All about Disc Golf

Disc Golf – Our Sport

Disc Golf can be played with Frisbees or actual Disc Golf discs. Disc Golf discs are like frisbees that one would use on the beach or in the park, only much more aerodynamic.

The goal of the game is to finish a course (usually 9 or 18 holes) with as few throws as possible. Each hole has a tee-off area, and a target, the disc golf basket. The chains catch the Disc Golf discs and it falls into the basket below. The number of throws is marked down and you go to the next hole. At the end of the round, the throws are added together and the winner is determined. The person with the least amount of total throws for the round is the winner.

From the tee-off area, you throw as far of a throw as possible in the direction of the basket. The game continues from exactly where the disc has landed. From that point, you either try to throw the disc directly in the basket or as close to it as possible.

Each hole on a Disc Golf course is usually between 50 and 150 meters long. The difficulty of a hole comes not only from the length, but also from the obstacles on it like trees, bushes, water, roads, paths or elevation changes. The length and difficulty of the hole defines the so-called “par” of a hole. The goal is to play “par”, or for advanced players “under par”, needing fewer throws than the course par. Out-of-bound zones and mandatories are designed to protect parked cars or players on adjacent holes.

Disc Golf practice areas and courses

Information about the disc golf courses in Switzerland can be found at the PDGA (Professional Discgolf Association): Course Directory

The majority of disc golf courses are installed on public land and free of charge, for example, in parks or on green areas of larger sports facilities. With a few exceptions, disc golf courses in Switzerland have permanently installed baskets.

The majority of courses are managed by a local disc golf club..

The ground rules

Rule 1: Have consideration for walkers, players, animals, plants, trees and all other facilities. Leave absolutely no waste on the premises.

Rule 2: Never throw when something or someone is on the playing area. If there is a possiblility someone will be hit, wait or use a spotter.​

Rule 3: Play begins by throwing your disc from the Tee area, towards the basket. At the point where your disc stops is where you will play your next throw. Continue throwing until the disc is in the basket.​.

Rule 4: First on the tee is the person with the fewest number of throws from the previous hole.

Rule 5: After that, the person furthest from the basket must throw, regardless of how many throws have been made.
The other players must always be safely behind the person throwing until the throw has been made. ​

Rule 6: Is your disc in the basket, if so, the hole has been completed! Add up the throws on your scorecard, the winner is the person who finishes the course with the least number of throws.

Tournament rules

Disc golf is played according to the international rules of the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association). The set of rules is quite comprehensive and is maintained by a special committee of the PDGA and adapted if necessary: PDGA Spielregeln

For large tournaments, it is required that the participant pass the PDGA certified official exam “Certified Official”. This certification is valid for three years and costs 10 USD.

Good to know: The exam can also be used as a training tool for the rules. Simply start the exam and answer questions. In the end, do not click on “Pay”. There are many different questions and scenarios.

A brief explanation of the most important Tournament rules

  • If there are any disputes during the round, the group shall make the decision. If the decision is not unanimous, one or more photos of the situation can be taken and a “provisional play” can be played from both positions. After the round, the TD (tournament director) decides on the situation in question.
  • To finish a hole, the thrower must let go of the disc and it must come to rest somewhere in the basket or chains.
  • During the round, the consumption and carrying of illegal substances as well as alcohol is prohibited. Violation of this rule may result in tournament disqualification.

OB (Out-of-Bounds) & Relief (OB = Area in which the disc should not land)

The OB is an area designated by the tournament director from which a disc may not be played and within which a stance may not be made. The OB line itself also belongs to the OB. Any area on the course that is not OB belongs to the play area. A disc is officially out-of-bounds when its position is clearly and completely surrounded by the out-of-bounds area.

When a disc has landed in the OB, the player is allowed to take relief from the position where the disc was last inbounds, up to one meter (about 3 shoe lengths). This is optional (you can also mark directly on the OB line) and applies so that you are not in the OB at the next throw with any supporting point.

Tee Off (PDGA 802.04b)

This must always be done in the marked area. There must be no “supporting point” outside the teepad.

Throws after the tee-off and marking your lie

After the tee off, play continues from the position where the disc has come to rest. The players stance is behind the disc.

Alternatively, a player can mark their lie by placing a mini disc on the playing surface in front of the thrown disc making sure that it is on the line of play.

Disc Golf Discs

The right disc golf disc for YOU is the key to playing well. If you are more of a beginner, you have a lot of arm speed and many other factors influence the flight behavior of a disc.

For beginners, we recommend rather understable/stable discs (these fly straight for longer) in 160 gram weight. Recommendations for a distance driver is the Roadrunner, for midrange the Mako3 or Roc3 and for the putters an Aviar.

Contact us when you would like assistance in choosing the correct disc for you. We would be happy to help!

Flight Characteristics

9 This is the speed rating of the disc.
Lower numbers (up to 6) are easier to control and more beginner friendly.

5 This is the glide rating of the disc.
Higher numbers (3 and above) glide in the air longer, which is great for beginners.

Lower numbers (2 and below) do not glide very far and are mainly meant for windy conditions.

0 This is the turn rating of the disc.

Lower numbers (0 and below) fly straighter with lower arm speeds. These are beginner friendly, also for women, and children.

2 This is the fade rating of the Disc.

Lower numbers (2 and below) have less lateral movement in the flight. These are beginner friendly.

Flight behavior and distance

Depending on the arm speed of the player, the flight behavior of a disc changes quite drastically. The more arm speed a player has, the more stable (or overstable) discs are needed.

For beginners, we therefore recommend stable or even understable discs.

Flight behavior for beginners with examples:


The weight of the disc is usually on the bottom side of the disc.

Most discs weigh between 150 und 175 grams.

100-140g is more for people with lower armspeeds.

150-167g is an ideal weight for beginners as well as advanced players.

167-175g (up to 180g for midranges) is for advanced players with faster armspeeds.

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